
Monday, August 8, 2011

O sea, comprate un bosque y piérdete

O sea, comprate un bosque y piérdete
Like, buy yourself a forest and get lost

This is a pretty nifty phrase, and I'm sure we've all been in situations where this phrase would have come in handy.  At least now you have it for future situations.   This phrase is pretty commonly used in Mexico, so use it without fear.  But there's one potential caveot that comes with it.  You might be mistaken for a fresa.  Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but if you can trick them into thinking you're not a gringo, then you might be mistaken for a fresa.  But I digress.

In my last post we talked about nacos. This time we're going to take a look at what it means to be a fresa

You can read about fresas in the Urban Dictionary by clicking here, but I'm going to give you the condensed version. 

  •  Fresa's are usually stuck up, have expensive clothes, cars, are usually middle high or high class, and talk different than everyone else.
  •  Stuck up Spanish girls or boys that have picky tastes, are extremely spoiled and always get their way, have little concern for the needs of others, and are snob, rude, and overly obnoxious.
Here in the states we call them "preppy". 

So what makes a fresa a fresa?  One trademark of a fresa, quite possibly their signature trademark, is the use of the words o sea and guey (wey, wee).    Here's a few classic fresa expressiones:

O sea,¡Vales mil!
(Eres importante)
Like, you're really important to me

O sea, mi fresh y tú cool
(Soy mejor que tú)
Like, I'm better than you. 

O sea, omítete
 (Desaparece de mi vista)
Like, get out of my site

While reading about something is good, seeing it action is always better.  And for that, we'll turn to YouTube.

Okay, they aren't real people, but our  friends in this video are definitely fresas

Guys can also be fresas.  In fact, someone took the time to make an entire blog dedicated to nacos and fresas.  In the video I'm about to give you the link to, you'll get to hear a naco and a fresa have conversation and hear the differences in their speech.  Here's the link:

This video will definitely be good practice for your Spanish.

Hopefully you learned something from my this and my naco post, and maybe even got a few laughs.  To be honest, I've barely scratched the surface of nacos and fresas, not that I'm any kind of expert on the subject to begin with.  My goal of these posts is to simply entertain you and introduce you to these two cultures.  Take the time to talk with your Mexican friends about the subject or do some searches in Google or YouTube and you'll not only get a chance to practice your Spanish, but also get to know a little bit more about our Mexican neighbors and realize that we really aren't that different after all.

¡Hasta la próxima!


  1. everything about this post is hilarious. osea hellooo

  2. I think I am teaching a bunch of fresas in Reynosa.

  3. I love this blog, I´m Mexican I live in México City, and is very fun to see the traslations of mexican words to English, in this case about the "Fresas" u should see this pag is a very very fun pag about this social (high) class in México.

  4. This is what I have been looking for! Improving my spanish through real conversations! Thanks!

  5. Osea comprate un barco llamalo Titanic y undete baboso LOL

  6. Osea..fresa fresa pero no para tu mermelada wey! lololol
