
Monday, April 11, 2011

Sí o sí, voy a aprender español

Today's post is going to help you in two ways.  Number one, you're going to learn something new.  Well, at least I hope so.  Number two, and perhaps the most important thing, is I'm going to save you from making the same mistake I did.

Let's start with #2, not making the same mistake I did.
It all started when I said to my friend "Si me mata, voy a aprender español".

The she politely said "¿Cómo?".  We were in a slightly noisy restaurant so I thought she didn't hear me, and I said it again a little louder.  Unfortunately, I got the same response.  That's when I started to get suspicious.  Well, that and the confused look in her face.

I was close, but no cigar.  The correct way to say this is:

voy a aprender español aunque eso me mate
I'm going to learn Spanish even if it kills me

You also have a few other options: "aunque me muera" or "así me muera". 

voy a aprender español aunque me muera


voy a aprender español aunque así me muera

In these last two examples the translation is actually "even if I die", instead of "if it kills me", but it works just the same.

No it's time to move on to #1, learning something new.

Things got a little more interesting when I found out there's another option that was just as good, if not better to express what I wanted to say-  "sí o sí". 

Yes or yes

This is another one of those times where a literal translation is a little clumsy.  A better translation would be "no matter what". "

So with that in mind....

Sí o sí, voy a aprender español
No matter what, I'm going to learn Spanish

Here's a few other examples I dug up you may find useful:

El informe hay que terminarlo sí o sí
The report has to be finished no matter what

 Necesito esas facturas sí o sí mañana a primera hora
I need those bills first thing tomorrow morning no matter what

It never surprises me how many little things like this there are to learn that will help your Spanish sound just a little more natural.

Hasta pronto


  1. Always learn something new and useful when I read your blog. Thanks Rodney!

  2. Wow. Very cool. Hhmm, but could you explain "hay que terminarlo" in the second to last example? I don't understand it.

  3. Very impressive; however, after reading all your posts, I realize that the Spanish you're learning and kindly sharing with us, is pure Mexican Spanish. Countries from Central and South America don't use several of those forms of Spanish.
    I do enjoy reading your blog, and look forward to reading the next one.

    Thank You,
